Dainese Presents: Valentino Rossi's Ranch mit Guy Martin

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Video von: Dainese Italy | vom: 23.07.2013
Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/daineseofficial

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Details: Dainese Presents: Valentino Rossi's Ranch mit...

Dainese Presents: Valentino Rossi's Ranch

Dainese are releasing a brand new film starring three motorcycle legends and a very exclusive race circuit in Tavullia, Italy.

On a sunny summer day, Supermoto World Champion Thomas Chareyre and road racing icon Guy Martin visited nine-times World Champion Valentino Rossi on his private Motor Ranch near Tavullia.

Despite coming from different disciplines, the trio battled on their bikes and bonded off them, exchanging styles and ideas, and ultimately uniting by a simple love of two wheels.

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