Der kleinste V12-Motor der Welt - Unglaubliche Handwerkskunst

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Video von: Patelo | vom: 02.02.2024

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Details: Der kleinste V12-Motor der Welt - Unglaublich...

Der kleinste V12-Motor der Welt - Geniale Handwerkskunst des Spaniers "Patelo" José Manuel Hermo aka Motores Patelo.

Ist zwar kein Motorrad, aber ein Motor. DIE Ausnahme sei uns gestattet.

v-12 engine with compressed air injection,hand made using taditional methods:12 cm3 of displacement,the diameter of the cyllinder is 11,3 mm,the stroke of the pistons 10mm,it works with only 0,1kg/cm2.Is constructed with stainless steel,aluminum and bronze.Patelo dedicate this engine to his grandchildren:Sara,Carmen,Jose and Pablo.This engine is for education,exhibitons,etc.,that is the reason to work with compressed air, to avoid contamination.He has made the plans and all parts, except the screws.

The engine is not for sale.

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