Concept Motorcycle Verdandi custom made for a womens body

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Video von: Goteborg | vom: 17.10.2009

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Details: Concept Motorcycle Verdandi custom made for a...

Concept Motorcycle Verdandi

The world´s first electric jet engine powered chopper "Verdandi", custom made for a womens body.

This project, that started at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, intended to investigate why fewer women than men ride motorcycles, and what can be done to attract female users and customers to the motorcycle market.
The majority of motorcycle models are poorly adjusted to women, and those which are not commonly lack the easy rider attitude that is often sought after by women as well as men. This project intended to change this trend, in designing a vehicle that is practical and conscious without compromising its modern biker expression.
The result was a full-scale model, displaying novel design qualities and conceptual solutions within areas that women particularly emphasized in the studies; namely safety, low environmental impact, comfort and ergonomics, storage and identity.

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