Kawasaki KZ1100 (1983) Hard-Tail Bobber von Bare Bone Rides

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Video von: Barebonerides | vom: 16.12.2014
Homepage: www.facebook.com/barebonerides

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Details: Kawasaki KZ1100 (1983) Hard-Tail Bobber von ...

Kawasaki KZ1100 (1983) HardTail Bobber von Bare Bone Rides

Web: www.barebonerides.com
FB: www.facebook.com/barebonerides

The BBR Brothers (www.barebonerides.com) finished this build in November 2014. Once again, our customer found us through our Youtube videos of the other KZ1000's that have come through our shop. He was hoping we would accept his KZ1100 Shaft-Drive Project ... hoping we could turn her in to a low-keyed, no bling, old-school hardtail custom bobber.

We said yes and commenced the transformation ... the end result is what you see here! Hope you all like her ... and if not no worries, this bike is not for everyone. Our customer was blown away at the unveil and loves his new ride! We purposely kept her quiet to meet our customers needs - she will not piss off the neighbors much.

As always, we definitely appreciate you guys checking her out ... and thank you in advance for your comments/feedback! More photos (before/during/after) on our website (www.barebonerides.com) under the "BBR Bikes" tab ... scroll down to the "Bobbers".

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