Roland Sands Design (RSD) Cafe Sportster - sehr schöner Umbau

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Video von: RSD | vom: 26.08.2010

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Details: Roland Sands Design (RSD) Cafe Sportster - se...

Roland Sands Design (RSD) Cafe Sportster - sehr schöner Umbau

Introducing the new RSD Cafe Sportster representing our 2011 Cafe Product line. The Café Gauge & Headlight Re-Locator moves your stock speedometer from the top handlebar clamp to the front of the top triple clamp and lowers the stock headlight 2 inches.

It allows for use of any aftermarket risers or completely eliminates the risers for use of the RSD Café 39mm Clip-Ons. The Clip-Ons mount to the front forks, below the top triple clamp for a low handlebar position. Our Coil Ignition Re-locator moves the location of coil and ignition switch from under the neck of the bike to between the V of your motor and removes the plastic wire caddy to expose the frame of your bike above the front cylinder. Transform your XL Sportster into a Café Racer.


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