250SX Highlights Anaheim 2015 (2): Monster Energy AMA Supercross

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Video von: Monster Energy | vom: 20.01.2015
Homepage: http://www.SupercrossOnline.com

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Details: 250SX Highlights Anaheim 2015 (2): Monster En...

Anaheim 2015 (2): 250SX Highlights Monster Energy AMA Supercross, Angel Stadium.

Web: http://www.SupercrossOnline.com
Web: http://www.monsterenergycup.com/
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1. Cooper Webb (YAM), 15 Run­den
2. Ty­ler Bo­wers (KAW), +06.065
3. Jus­tin Hill (KTM), +07.122
4. Zach Os­bor­ne (HUS), +09.928
5. Mal­colm Ste­wart (HON), +17.594
6. Jes­sy Nel­son (KTM), +18.092
7. Jos­hua Han­sen (KAW), +18.943
8. Alex Mar­tin (YAM), +29.079
9. Tho­mas Hahn (HON), +35.145
10. Sha­ne Mcel­rath (KTM), +38.216

Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, is an off-road motorcycle racing competition, produced inside a stadium that seats no less than 35,000 fans, where dirt is brought in and sculpted using construction equipment. Widely regarded as the king of extreme sports, AMA Supercross is considered the NASCAR of motocross. Some of the world's greatest athletes compete in what has been described as the most physically demanding sport in existence. Top Supercross riders Ryan Villopoto, James Stewart, Chad Reed, Ryan Dungey and more battle it out for the 2014 AMA Supercross crown.

Monster Energy® AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, is the premier off-road motorcycle racing circuit in the world, produced inside the world's most elite stadiums. Monster Energy® Supercross tracks are man-made inside the stadium. Some of the sport's marquee names include Chad Reed, James Stewart and former supercross greats Jeremy McGrath and Ricky Carmichael. Regarded as the king of action sports, supercross has been described as one of the most physically demanding sports. Monster Energy® Supercross can be seen on FOX Sports.

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