Dakar Heroes 2019 Etappe 7: San Juan de Marcona / San Juan de Marcona

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Video von: Dakar2019 | vom: 15.01.2019
Homepage: http://www.dakar.com

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Details: Dakar Heroes 2019 Etappe 7: San Juan de Marco...

Dakar Heroes 2019 Etappe 7: San Juan de Marcona / San Juan de Marcona

For the 2019 event, the Dakar’s traditional set-up has once again been overhauled. Continuing its Peruvian adventure, the Dakar rally is offering a dense set of obstacles and promises to be a new kind of epic! The brave individuals who have already experienced the Peruvian sands have made no mistake, and will once again form the biggest bivouac camp in the world of cross country, near to Pisco and Arequipa in particular. The intense challenge they face will push them to their limits in getting over dunes, navigation and physical strength: in the dunes, one kilometre is equivalent to two or even three kilometres elsewhere.

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