Holyshit! Kein Raum für Fehler - Extrem Enduro am Bergrücken

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2,51 von 5 (15 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:01:47

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Video von: Godfrey | vom: 28.11.2017
Homepage: https://www.instagram.com/gavgodfrey455/

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Details: Holyshit! Kein Raum für Fehler - Extrem Endur...

Holyshit! Kein Raum für Fehler - Extrem Enduro am Bergrücken.

"I went out to Caineville to help film the new "Chaos in Caineville." part 2 for Godfrey_USA. While we were filming this project, Preston and I headed up to the top of these narrow ridge lines. We rode to the top and took our chances to ride as far as we could go along the ridges. We had to commit on theses gnarly ridge lines, cause there is no room for error. You have any mistake you will be fallin down the mountain."

Ganzes Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbabhI7BhTc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gavgodfrey455/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSGXKZ5TqLapt9eDJzGDR3A

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