Zeitlupe Extrem Enduro bei den Red Bull Romaniacs 2013 - Hammer Aufnahmen

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Video von: Red Bull | vom: 12.07.2013
Homepage: http://www.redbullromaniacs.com/

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Details: Zeitlupe Extrem Enduro bei den Red Bull Roman...

Zeitlupe Extrem Enduro bei den Red Bull Romaniacs 2013

For more Hard Enduro visit http://redbull.com/motorsports
Watch the Event Recap: http://youtu.be/XTobM-oeW00
Nu poti aprecia cat de greu este Red Bull Romaniacs pana nu vezi imaginile in super slow motion. Folosind o camera Phantom, care trage cu 1000 de frame-uri pe secunda, imaginile surprinse sunt dintre cele mai spectaculoase. Vezi prin ce au fost nevoiti sa treaca riderii pe traseul din Muntii Carpati de anul acesta.

Check out the best Phantom moments from Red Bull Romaniacs 2013. Winning the fourth and final day of racing at the Red Bull Romaniacs, Graham Jarvis cemented himself as the most successful rider in the ten-year history of the event by collecting his fourth victory.

Going into the final day of racing with a healthy lead, Jarvis looked almost assured of the win. But knowing that anything can happen in Hard Enduro, the Brit maintained his unrelenting pace. Setting off first on the road, Jarvis stayed out front for the entire day. Entering the finishing arena in Dealul Gușteriței, the Husaberg rider breezed his way up the near vertical hill climb before riding into the winner's enclosure as this year's Red Bull Romaniacs' champion.

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