"Unrideables 2" 500ccm GP - The Rainey Days eine Hammer Ära

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Video von: Greenlight Television | vom: 26.02.2014
Homepage: www.greenlight.tv/

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Details: "Unrideables 2" 500ccm GP - The Rainey Days ...

"Unrideables 2" The Rainey Days die Ära im 500ccm Grand Prix Sport die von Wayne Rainey dominiert wurde.

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Coming soon on ITV4, the unmissable follow-up to The Unrideables takes up the story as Wayne Rainey dominated a racing era where only one thing mattered - winning.

And that's what he did.

Locked in a week-in-week out struggle for the world championship with monster talents like Eddie Lawson and Michael Doohan, his arch-rival and nemesis was the gangly Texan Kevin Schwantz. Their story is the two-wheeled equivalent of Hunt and Lauda or Prost and Senna - but on a race bike the stakes are higher.

Archive footage of some of the greatest motorcycle races ever takes you right back to the height of the action and the heat of battle as racers risked everything on lightweight high performance racing bikes that behaved with unpredictable violence.

In the end they all paid a price - Doohan with his shattered leg, Schwantz with two smashed wrists, Rainey, trapped in a wheelchair after he crashed out chasing a fourth consecutive world title.

With contributions from the riders, the managers, the journalists and the team PR men, Unrideables 2 gets under the skin of an era long before health and safety changed the way we think and the way we race.

Music Credit: EMF - Unbelievable

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