Ducati Multistrada 1200 Granturismo 2013 Touring meets passion

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Video von: Ducati.com | vom: 21.09.2012
Homepage: www.multistrada.ducati.com

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Details: Ducati Multistrada 1200 Granturismo 2013 Tour...

Ducati Multistrada 1200 (2013) Touring meets passion.

The new Multistrada 1200 transforms every road into an unending thrill-fest. Skyhook suspension, which ensures the best set-up every inch of the way, and the stunningly smooth Testastretta 11° DS engine merge with unmistakeable Ducati appeal to provide the ride of your life. And for those eager for even more boundless adventure there's the new Granturismo model, the bike ready to take on the world.

Info: www.multistrada.ducati.com
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