Ducati Project 1201 - die Eicma ums Eck und die Geheimnisskrämerei geht los...

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Video von: Ducati.com | vom: 10.10.2013
Homepage: www.facebook.com/Ducati

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Details: Ducati Project 1201 - die Eicma ums Eck und d...

Ducati Project 1201 - die Eicma ums Eck und die Geheimnisskrämerei geht los ...

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Ducati - Project 1201 - Lightness extracted from the heaviest of elements.

To create and refine the world's most engaging premium motorcycles, engineers must think in practical terms. But to architect the future of motorcycle technology, they must also dream. What do Ducati's engineers dream of?

A motorcycle of a calibre never before seen, designed in every detail for a singular goal - to surpass the limits of lightness and performance. Now their dream becomes real, and is made in the most extraordinary materials to suit its extraordinary nature.

It all begins with a paradox: can one of the heaviest materials help achieve ultimate lightness? When all limits are removed, anything is possible. Begin to discover the matter of lightness - the materials of Ducati's newest dream.

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