Exclusive preview of Ducati 1198 intro with Backstreet Girls!

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Video von: raptorama | vom: 24.11.2008
Homepage: http://www.raptorsandrockets.com

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Details: Exclusive preview of Ducati 1198 intro with B...

Exclusive preview of Ducati 1198 intro with Backstreet Girls! Featuring the latest superbike from Ducati, the 2009 1198 S introduced by Troy Bayliss. Song by Backstreet Girls, Norway's legendary boogie rock n' roll band. Let's Go from their 1992 album Let's have it. www.backstreetgirls.net and myspace.com/backstreetgirls This is the intro to the Ultimate Ducati 1198 film that we're still working on.

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