Geschwindigkeitsrekord - Mission One Eletric Superbike stellt mit 240 km/h...

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Video von: MissionONe | vom: 15.09.2009

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Details: Geschwindigkeitsrekord - Mission One Eletric ...

Geschwindigkeitsrekord - Mission One Eletric Superbike stellt mit 240 km/h einen neuen Rekord auf!

Jeremy Cleland piloted the zero-emissions Mission One Electric Superbike to claim the national AMA top speed record for an electric motorcycle, achieving a record 150.059 mph two-pass average run sustained for one mile at Bonneville Speedway on September 1st, 2009. Lead up runs to the record saw one-way speeds across the mile stretch of 161mph.

The record-breaking top speed was achieved at the annual BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials at the Bonneville Speedway, approximately 90 miles west of Salt Lake City, UT. This event offers world and national record setting opportunities to top contenders in many classes. The Mission One achieved a top speed higher than 70% of the gasoline powered entrants.

Mission Motors has targeted high performance and iconic design in the development of its first vehicle, the Mission One. With a top speed of over 150 mph, a 150-mile range and unparalleled access to torque, the Mission One surpasses the performance of other production electric motorcycles and rivals gas-powered incumbents. The motorcycles are hand-built in San Francisco, California, with a radical commitment to environmental sustainability.

The company is selling 300 Mission One electric motorcycles in the 2010 model year, with the first 50 Premier Limited Edition models available for reservation now.

Visit for more information.

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