Yamaha Überraschung: 11.Juni 13 ?! 'The Dark Side Of Japan'

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Video von: Yamahamoto | vom: 31.05.2013
Homepage: http://www.yamaha-motor.eu

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Details: Yamaha Überraschung: 11.Juni 13 ?! 'The Dark ...

Yamaha Überraschung: 11.Juni 13 ?! The Dark Side Of Japan

Please visit: http://www.yamaha-motor.eu
The full story will unfold on June 11th 15:00 hrs (CET)

While some onlookers may see Japan just as a traditional and respectful society where conformity is the norm, behind this stereotypical image lies a vibrant sub-culture where new fashions and ideas are constantly emerging.

From the spectacle of drift racing through to the insanity of Japanese speedway, the other side of Japanese society has been responsible for some wild and wonderful trends.

The same creative forces that drive the darker and unconventional side of Japan now have created a new kind of brutal animal, which is about to change the sport motorcycle world.

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