Yamaha Motobot Ver. 1 "The Doctor" Humanoider Roboter

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Video von: Yamaha Communication Plaza | vom: 28.10.2015
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Details: Yamaha Motobot Ver. 1 "The Doctor" Humanoider...

Yamaha stellt anlässlich der 44. Tokyo Motorshow den Motobot Ver. 1 "The Doctor" Humanoider Roboter vor. Ein Roboter der ein Motorrad bewegen kann, ohne an selbigem Änderungen vorzunehmen.

ZIel ist der "Betrieb" auf der Rennstrecke zur Entwicklung neuer Technologien und Produkten.

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The 44th Tokyo Motor Show Yamaha 2015: Technology exhibit
Autonomous Motorcycle-Riding Humanoid Robot to Best Rossi on the Racetrack   MOTOBOT Ver. 1

MOTOBOT is an autonomous motorcycle-riding humanoid robot that approaches riding operations from a human rider’s standpoint — with no modifications made to the motorcycle itself. The development theme is “Beyond Human Capabilities.”

In general, robots are developed to specialize in a specific task and this typically allows them to surpass the capability of humans for that task. Utilizing this advantage, the end goal of MOTOBOT is to become capable of competing against Valentino Rossi’s lap times around a racetrack. The knowledge and highly advanced fundamental technologies gained from this challenge will be put to use in developing new products and creating new value.

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