Yamaha MT-09 Neuvorstellung: The Dark side of Japan

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Video von: Yamahamoto | vom: 11.06.2013
Homepage: http://www.yamaha-motor.eu

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Details: Yamaha MT-09 Neuvorstellung: The Dark side o...

Yamaha MT-09 Neuvorstellung: The Dark side of Japan. Kompaktes Chassis und 850ccm Dreizylinder 115 PS und 89 Nm bei 188 Kilogramm!

Yamaha MT-09 is a whole new concept in sport bike design. With a compact new chassis and high-torque 3-cylinder engine, this new generation performance machine is designed for riders who appreciate character and soul.

The beating heart of this new kind of animal is a lightweight 850cc 3-cylinder engine that kicks out a wide band of raw, linear torque giving outstanding acceleration that gets your adrenaline flowing.

And for agile handling this dynamic new naked motard-style bike is equipped with a compact aluminium chassis and upright riding position that make light work of everything - from weekday urban riding through to Sunday morning blasts.

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