Alter Mann springt vor's Motorrad, Crash, Diebstahl - WTF

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Video von: SpeedSeeker Moto | vom: 05.03.2024

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Details: Alter Mann springt vor's Motorrad, Crash, Die...

Alter Mann springt vor's Motorrad, Crash, Diebstahl WTF


So this was a crazy event. I had finished up working on my 03 zx6r stunt bike and wanted to test it out and take my girlfriend on a test ride. I wanted to do a couple wheelies and full gear pulls to assure my issue was resolved out in a very empty country road where im not a danger to anyone but myself.

I got there and dropped my girlfriend off so she could watch but not be in danger. I did one pull down the road before I noticed a man in the road.

At first I thought he was retrieving his mail so I tried to go around via the opposing lane. He then moved in front of my bike, so I thought he was going back to his house so I moved to the far side of my lane and he continued to jump in front of me.

I then locked up my brakes trying to stop realizing this guy was jumping in front of me and if I didn't slow down I would have smashed into him at 40mph. Then that was that.

Police returned me my keys and told me I could press charges then or later. I have decided to press them based off peoples reactions.

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