Chesca Miles Stuntgirl aus England - hats drauf und sieht auch noch gut aus

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Video von: Stuntie | vom: 02.04.2011

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Details: Chesca Miles Stuntgirl aus England - hats dra...

Chesca Miles Stuntgirl aus England - hats drauf und sieht auch noch gut aus

This short video showcases the up and coming street bike freestyle rider and perfoming artist, Chesca Miles.
shot in various locations in and around London, this video features aspects of street bike freestyle, a sport set to take the world by storm.

A massive thank you goes out to Jorian Ponomareff for capturing and creating a unique ambience benefiting the fine subject matter.

for more information regarding the phenomenon, that is Chesca Miles or street bike freestyle, be sure to check out - www.chescamiles,com and also her team site

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