Die erste Kälte, angezogene Straße, Sturz: Uffpasse! Es wird Winter.

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Video von: Rookie | vom: 14.10.2015
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Details: Die erste Kälte, angezogene Straße, Sturz: Uf...

Die erste Kälte, angezogene Straße, Abflug: Gaskrank sagt: Uffpasse.

Well I have lazy steering and highsided on a painted line at Duffy Lake today. Temperatures plummeted below freezing and this section was covered in ice and snow. This is 100% my fault and Im lucky I didnt hurt anyone with my incident.

The bike contacted the painted line and started to fall right but over-corrected (high-sided?) and slammed itself and me into the ground on the left. I stayed on awhile longer and cranked the bike over to avoid an oncoming vehicle (motorcycle bowling).

If this crash occurred in a turn, at excessive speed, or with an obstacle it would have been much worst. If I didnt wear full gear or went with mesh... I dont even want to think about it. The mornings are nearly cold enough for this to happen to anyone please be careful. This is going to hurt tomorrow.

The impact from landing on both sides bent one rear tip over bar ~15 degrees onto the bag. The other bar bent 45 degrees opposite and rashed the bag. The only serious damage was a broken mirror from the initial impact and I rode it home (longest ride of my life).

Feel free to flame, scold and judge as you see fit but please offer a piece of advice to avoid a highside and avoid painted lines... especially frozen painted lines.

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