Ducati 996 SPS Crash: Papi in Urlaub, Söhnchen greift zu ... Ärger!!!

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Video von: Marlon Sharp | vom: 05.01.2024
Homepage: https://www.youtube.com/user/mar1lon4/videos

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Details: Ducati 996 SPS Crash: Papi in Urlaub, Söhnche...

Ducati 996 SPS Crash: Papi in Urlaub, Söhnchen nutzt die Gelegenheit, Ölfleck (angeblich) und nach 100m einen Schaden von 5 Mille angerichtet.

Man kann sich uns unschwer vorstellen wie Pappi gejubelt hat, weil Söhnchen hat auch noch brav gefilmt *rofl*


My Family including my dad whom is the owner of the Ducati were enjoying a warm holiday over in turkey.

Me being young and dumb found this to be the perfect opportunity to take his bike out for a joy ride. little did i know, the bike had an oil leak causing me to crash more or less straight after i set off.

Now im putting this video on here for you all to see so that it may prevent over acts of stupidity for many who may find it to be a good idea to go for a spin on their ol' mans pride and joy.

The bike cost me little over £5000 to repair and is now once again road worthy. Money i could have gone and bought a track bike and been able to run it for more then a year rather then a 1 minute like i did on the Ducati.

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