Epic, legendär: Ken Block / Travis Pastrana Gymkhana Five San Francisco

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Video von: DC Shoes | vom: 04.01.2025
Homepage: www.dcshoes.com/auto

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Details: Epic, legendär: Ken Block / Travis Pastrana G...

HAMMERGEIL: Ken Block / Travis Pastrana Gymkhana Five San Francisco.

DC and Ken Block present Gymkhana FIVE: Ultimate Urban Playground; San Francisco.

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Shot on the actual streets of San Francisco, California, GYM5 features a focus on fast, raw and precise driving action. Filmed over four days, director Ben Conrad and his team are back to work on their second Gymkhana production and delivered the entire city of San Francisco as Ken Block's personal gymkhana playground. DC Shoes also provided fellow DC athlete and longtime Ken Block friend, Travis Pastrana, to make a cameo appearance on his dirtbike, and S.F. resident Jake Phelps of Thrasher Magazine fame also makes a cameo as Block hoons S.F. in his most incredible Gymkhana yet.

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