Kawasaki ZX-10R Crash - Niegelnagelneue Kawa übers Vorderrad abgelegt

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Video von: Ellinides Racing | vom: 11.06.2024

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Details: Kawasaki ZX-10R Crash - Niegelnagelneue Kawa ...

Kawasaki ZX-10R Crash - Niegelnagelneue Kawa übers Vorderrad abgelegt

This was my first and hopefully the only one crash I had with my Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R. The reason for crashing was a low side in full lean angle at approximately 170-180Km. I was racing with another guy on the streets. People keep asking me why the traction control did not work as opposed. My answer is that traction control will control the rear wheel only and since this was front wheel loss of traction the TC could not control anything. So please don't ask me about that. I used the factory tires BT016.

Finally, I was so lucky I did not have a total loss of my bike instead, the only damages I had were the right mirror, the melted crash protector and my scratched arrow exhaust. Bike was setup and running again in a week.


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