EXTREMST knapp: Lucky People Compilation oder Schutzengel extrem Maloche

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2,98 von 5 (59 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:04:25

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Video von: Compilariz | vom: 26.05.2017
Homepage: http://www.youtube.com/user/Compilariztv

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Details: EXTREMST knapp: Lucky People Compilation ode...

Wenns knapp wird im Leben: Lucky People und Sackhaares Breite.

CREDITS and Copyright
1. Russian Pedestrian almost hit by a car AND a bus http://youtu.be/THOexRyCGSY
2. Train Spotter Almost Killed by High Speed Train http://youtu.be/KHmF7_bNHa0
3. Повезло так повезло http://youtu.be/aMHhOk4FSb4
4. Повезло http://youtu.be/LksOFXEVZbs
5. One Lucky Guy http://youtu.be/MKAKGHtso4k
6. Sidewalk Crash - Lucky guy with fast reflexes http://youtu.be/kl3RWXF4qZI
7. Soldier almost shot in head gun ALMOST KILLED http://youtu.be/hP_PfhpIlrE
8. Rally Crash: lucky man saved by the tree http://youtu.be/KYFxSilcqgs
9. Suddenly Tree Fell Down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz1-ty...
10. Lucky Pedestrians: Mom and Daughter http://youtu.be/6o1JjKlINYw
11. Almost Hit by a car http://youtu.be/5aYGffCVgbY
12. Rally crash http://youtu.be/gFdGKeQph-Q
13. Almost hit by a Train http://youtu.be/ka3Gb_sC9NM
14. Girl Nearly decapitated by train http://youtu.be/lWYZowD6lNQ
15. His Name is Lucky http://youtu.be/K4S_fq6-oA4
16. CCTV Footag : Miracle of Bike Accident http://youtu.be/aBBno1Vbc5A
17. Lucky Ass of the Day http://youtu.be/lTG3sgJd9k0
18. That Was a Close Call http://youtu.be/qZbmdYDq4fU
19. That Was a Close Call http://youtu.be/Trjb17Hh8pw
20. Lucky Guy http://youtu.be/KEXpDlabf5A
21. Rally Car Driver Is Very Lucky To Be Alive http://youtu.be/KmwdmItVyKw
22. Lucky Pedestrian http://youtu.be/8Co9qyL06WI
23. Flying Piece of Iron http://youtu.be/Pf_JugMgNik
24. Lucky Grandpa http://youtu.be/02-E11GUJTo
25. Lucky Pedestrians http://youtu.be/lCkjWvuS9Ys
26. Leaving the Truck after Crashing Like a Boss http://youtu.be/PL2zHtvfvBA
27. Woman narrowly escapes truck collision in eastern China http://youtu.be/zRiZZaym5r8
28. Incredibly Lucky - Bicycle Rider Was Hit By Truck http://youtu.be/pa4qZOC49mA
29. The Luckiest Rider Ever http://youtu.be/aR3Qp5vLLLs
30. Lucky Guy http://youtu.be/oi4zEXEUROs
31. Greek Bike Accident 1 http://youtu.be/tth9krDtxII
32. Luckiest Cameraman In The History Of Time http://youtu.be/42QquqpDG7w

More: http://www.youtube.com/user/Compilariztv

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