MiniBikers are back! Have you missed the MotoGP Grand Prix? Don't worry, with the MiniBikers you'll see the highlights of the race with those "mini" characters and with a lot of fun.
Are we sure we haven't seen this race before? The Catalan Grand Prix remind us a lot the last race in Mugello. Bautista fall on the first turn, Lorenzo escaped, Marquez had a battle with his teammate... But there was something new, a lot of drivers fell during the race. Who survived in Montmeló? Just click on play and you will know it.
Barcelona - Circuit de Catalunya - Spanien
Der Circuit de Catalunya ist eine Rennstrecke mit super langer Start-/Ziel-Geraden, flüssig und schnell zu fahren. Sie gehört zu den attraktivsten des Rennkalenders, weil die katalanische Hauptstadt zu den schönsten Städten Europas gehört.