Motorrad Crash - Highsider wegen Dreck auf der Straße

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Video von: Schaaf | vom: 17.03.2018

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Details: Motorrad Crash - Highsider wegen Dreck auf de...

Motorrad (Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade) Crash - Highsider wegen Dreck auf der Straße - zu schnell waren beide nicht - siehe Beschreibung. Fahrer OK nichts passiert.


And now for something completely different - a crash video! Great friend of mine wrecking a big Fireblade in late spring 2014. Unfortunately it wasn't his own one. The crash pilot and the Honda CBR owner went for some bike-swapping and then this happened. There was a massive gravel strip in the middle of the corner (5 meters long, 50cm wide) which was the reason for him loosing traction. I was lucky enough to be saved by the tight line I was riding. The right and left side of our lane was gravel free.

We were not riding particularly fast. Especially since it was my mate's first time on a big supersports bike. The rapid light and shadow changes made the long strip of gravel quite hard to see.

Regarding the missing license plate: Two hours before the crash the plastic license plate holder broke. That's why it's not where it's supposed to be. It was safely stored in my sexy top box by the way ;)

The crash pilot was extremely lucky to survive the hard fall unharmed. Just a couple of bruises. Escaping a highside crash unharmed is pretty rare I'd say.

I got the crash pilot's permission to upload the video here. And yes I do enjoy watching crash videos as long as no one gets hurt which was the case here. I guess most of us enjoy these but only few admit it ;)

The bike was sold as wreckage and got replaced by a newer Fireblade. You can see the newer model in my FY-G3 Gimbal test video!

And now I'm curious to wait and see how many morons will appear and post comments stating that he deserved to crash referring to the quick RAW onboard video I posted a couple of weeks ago. Posts like that would be moronic because the owner and rider from the RAW Fireblade video was not the one who crashed here.

Filmed with a GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition. Chin Mount
Filmed in Austria.

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