Motorrad vs. Radrennfahrer am attackieren

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3,24 von 5 (42 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:03:23

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Video von: eyesonly760 | vom: 15.03.2024

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Details: Motorrad vs. Radrennfahrer am attackieren ...

Motorrad vs. Radrennfahrer lässt es laufen ... cool


To answer the most common questions:
1. This is on Sunrise Hwy in San Diego County, California.
2. We were traveling at speeds between 35-50 mph. When he overtakes us, we are touching 48-50 mph.
3. None of us were upset by him passing, we thought it was pretty cool actually... dangerous, maybe... but still cool.
4. The 2nd rider from the front wasn't trying to block him out, he just did not see him and he was the only one of us that was not on comms.
5. My camera is a Sony HDR-AS20 and is the video is the raw video from my camera. No post processing. Any image stabilization is built in the Sony cam itself.

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