Peinlichlicher Motorradunfall: Beim Stoppie in einen Toyota MR2 eingeschlagen - Depp.
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Fahrer Toyota MR2:
that was me in the mr2...and fuck all of you guys saying i didnt get out!!! fuck all of you how about i get out my car or put it in reverse and run over a couple people!!! notice the vid i didnt flee and after every one setelled down i backed up
Fahrer Motorad:
That was me on the bike, the traffic sucked and the tires on the bike werent good either. i was only doing 25-30 and basically slide and if you watch the back come up a little also. but yes there was the bike on my left so i didnt have anywhere to go. could of went straight into the back but jus tried to lay it down instread. Also its was an 07 yamaha r6