Sprung mit Motorrad von Heißlufballon. Wenns dem Esel zu wohl ist geht er in...

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Video von: Bike-Fun | vom: 15.01.2010
Homepage: www.youtube.com/user/jlaurifilmworks

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Sprung mit Motorrad von Heißlufballon. Wenns dem Esel zu wohl ist geht er in die Luft. Für was das gut ist weis keiner. Aber es ist Weltrekord - das zur Begründung!

On November 28, 2009 base-jumper Bernie Williams set the world record as he became the first to fly a motorcycle from a hot air balloon at 5000 feet to a successfully landing on the ground while driving it. This record was achieved in Chesaning, Michigan as a proof of concept for much more ambitious plans to be competed later this year.. The custom rig that supports Bernie and the motorcycle was designed and built by Todd Ames. Produced, filmed and edited by J. Lauri Filmworks. The success of this world record is thanks to Andre La Roche, Art Bonus, Douglas Spotted Eagle, Mike N. Kelly, Rich Jackson, Manny Francis, Tonino and Marco Zaccagnini, Kyle Engelhart, Rick Bobier, Joe Bellanca, Peggy Vreeland, Rose Martin, Eric Horton, Sonny Lightning, the Nixon Memorial Airport and the city of Chesaning Michigan. The now historically significant motorcycle used in this flight (which has more air miles than ground miles) will be auctioned off for the benefit of a charity at sometime in 2010. For more information and or permission to broadcast this video please contact producer John P. Lauri at info@JLauri.com or by phone 248-417-2886.

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