Quarter Bridge. Sidecars Roy Hanks (2, BSA), Richard Wegener (5, BMW), Alan Sansum (10, Quaife Triumph), Siegfried Schauzu (4, BMW) and Rudi Kurth (20, Crescent) with the lovely Dane Rowe in the chair.
In the paddock are Ago, Alberto Pagani, Peter Williams and Nobby Clark talking to John Cooper.
Alberto Pagani pushing his fire engine, seventies fashion guru Phil Read and Chas Mortimer.
At Bedstead Corner:
350:- Agostini (3, MV 1st), Phil Read (9, MV retired from 2nd), and Jack Findlay (4, Yamaha 4th).
Sidecars (Klaus Enders (3, BMW), Chris Vincent (4, Munch)m Siegfried Schauzu and Rudi Kurth (8).
At Signpost:
250cc:- Phil Read (9, Yamaha 1st), Rod Gould (4, Yamaha 2nd), Derek Chatterton (1, Yamaha 7th), Barry Randle (10, Yamaha 9th) and Chas Mortimer (5, Yamaha 14th).
F750:- Tony Jefferies (1, Triumph 2nd), Ray Pickrell (6, Triumph 1st), Peter williams (8, Norton DNF), Jack Findlay (4, Suzuki 3rd), Tony Rutter (12, Norton DNF), Phil Read (5, Norton DNF) and Helmut Dahne (BMW 11th).