Was auf die Ohren: Thundersprint 2008 Highlights

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Video von: MCN | vom: 24.05.2008
Homepage: www.motorcyclenews.com/

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Details: Was auf die Ohren: Thundersprint 2008 Highlig...

The 2008 Thundersprint event at Northwich, Cheshire, attracted record crowds, as good weather combined with the lure of seeing a host of stars and gorgeous motorcycles just feet away grew numbers to over 120,000.

Multiple GP champion Giacomo Agostini was top of the bill of famous faces at the event, which sees competitors ride a timed lap of a car park in Northwich. Other racers attending include Danny Webb, and former GP stars Jim Redman and Sammy Miller.

Watch the video below to see highlights from the event and read the full article in MCN, Wednesday, 14 May, 2008.

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