Wer ist Murtanio? Super sympahtische Vorstellung / Sponsorensuche

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2,89 von 5 (97 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:03:34

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Video von: Murtanio | vom: 16.01.2017
Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/Murtanio

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Details: Wer ist Murtanio? Super sympahtische Vorstell...

Wer ist Murtanio? Super sympahtische Vorstellung / Sponsorensuche

Unterstützung / Kontakt
- https://www.paypal.me/Murtanio
- http://amzn.to/1SDgUiQ
- https://www.facebook.com/Murtanio
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murtanio
- Kontakt: MRMurtanio@yahoo.com

Hey, I am Martin Riedl, I am going to participate in the IRRC 2017, so I think its time to drop the mask :)
If you want to support me on my way to the Isle Of Man one day, you can use one of the links above, just if you want, or just share it =D

- Music by ALVY -Alchimie, Pt. 2

- Thanks to EMS TV for the Nordschleife clip at Adenauer Forst:

Sponsored by: Motosystem.de

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