Unfallverhütung: Auto vs Motorradfahrer Eindrucksvolles Video anschauen

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2,53 von 5 (32 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:00:58

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Video von: TACVictoria | vom: 07.02.2013
Homepage: www.tacsafety.com.au

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Details: Unfallverhütung: Auto vs Motorradfahrer Eindr...

Unfallverhütung: Auto vs Motorradfahrer Eindrucksvolles Video anschauen. Sollte jeder Autofahrer gesehen haben.

The 'Vice Versa' campaign was first launched in 2002 and is aimed at car drivers highlighting the vulnerability of motorcyclists and the need to be more aware and actively look for them on the road.

The campaign depicts a rider in everyday traffic conditions and a car driver who is attempting to change lanes. The campaign asks for both road users to "Put yourself in their shoes" and realise the importance of sharing the road with all vehicles and users.

Web: www.tacsafety.com.au
Web: www.spokes.com.au

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