Sölkpass, Nockalmstraße - Österreich Onboard Impressionen

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2,68 von 5 (17 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:04:54

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Video von: Edumasta | vom: 06.07.2015
Homepage: http://www.youtube.com/edumasta

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Details: Sölkpass, Nockalmstraße - Österreich Onboard ...

Motorradland Österreich: Sölkpass, Nockalmstraße

We only had a few chances to take out our Ducatis for a ride, one of those was back in May where we went to Salzburg for 3 days and did some tours around the countryside.

Beautiful country! We want to show you some onboard footage and impressions of some of the beautiful landscape you can find here in Austria :-)

BEWARE: This is not a highspeed racing onboard clip with lots of overtakes and action and adrenalin and stuff...

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