1000PS Castrol Rocket: TRIUMPH und Castrol zum Geschwindigkeits Weltrekord

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Video von: Triumph | vom: 09.07.2015
Homepage: http://triumphlandspeed.com/

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Details: 1000PS Castrol Rocket: TRIUMPH und Castrol zu...

Die Racing-Spezialisten TRIUMPH und Castrol haben sich zusammen getan, um mit einem fantastischen Rocket-III-Umbau einen neuen Geschwindigkeits-Weltrekord für Landfahrzeuge auf dem Bonneville-Salzsee von Utah in Angriff zu nehmen.

Rahmen: Carbon-Kevlar-Monocoque
Triebwerk: Zwei TRIUMPH Rocket III-Motoren, Turbolader
Hubraum: insgesamt 2970 cm3
Nennleistung: kombiniert mehr als 1000 PS bei 9000 U/min
max. Drehmoment: kombiniert mehr als 675 Newtonmeter
Radaufhängungen: Individuell angefertigt von Hot Rod Conspiracy
Treibstoff: Methanol
Reifen: Goodyear Land Speed Special
Motorschmierung: Castrol Power RS™ 4T 10W-40 Vollsynthetik-Öl
Gewicht: nicht bekannt
Klasse: Division C (Stromlinienförmig) – Type V Spark Ignition, Hubraum 2000 bis 3000 cm3
(Text: www.triumphmotorcycles.de)

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Matt Markstaller, Bob Carpenter, and Jason DiSalvo have pulled together a team of people to restore Triumph Motorcycles' legacy in landspeed racing. Man's passion has always launched innovation, and these three men have set out to design, build and ride the world's most advanced streamliner, the Castrol Rocket.

Markstaller serves as aerodynamic engineer; Carpenter is the high-peformance engine builder; and Daytona 200 winner and Bonneville class record holder DiSalvo bravely pilots Triumph's latest entry. This cross-country team converges on the Bonneville Salt Flats, a 40 square mile salt pan in northwestern Utah, with the goal of a 400 mph plus record-breaking run.

Triumph held the title of "World's Fastest Motorcycle" from 1955 to 1970 with the exception of a brief 33-day period. The Triumph streamliners to carry world records were Devil's Arrow, Texas Cee-gar and Gyronaut X1, the last being at 245.60 mph (395.28 km/h). Today's bar now sits at 376.363 mph (605.697 km/h).

The 2013 edition Castrol Rocket features Carbon Kevlar monocoque construction with two turbocharged Triumph Rocket III engines producing a combined 1,000+ HP. It is 25.5' long, 2' wide and 3' tall, a true rocket on two wheels powered by methanol fuel and filled with Castrol 4T 10W40 full synthetic oil.

To learn more visit http://www.castrolrocket.com/

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