Details: Kevin Schwantz: "Halt die Flagge raus Du Arsc...
Schwantz legt sich ab! Weil die Streckenposten nichts unternehmen nimmt er das selbst in die Hand und warnt die anderen Fahrer.
"I checked nobody was coming and ran across to the flag marshall and grabbed the oil flag because he was just standing there with it not doing anything much and was half way round the corner - I got back up the straight twenty or twenty five yards so that I could flag and signal to everybody to get on the outside line. Kocinskis bike had broken a primary gear and that had come out the side of the cases, gas, oil and everything went everywhere. A lot of guys out there thanked me for getting on the flags. Gardner and Rymer said that had I not got the flag out other people would have fallen because the marshals werent doing what they were supposed to."