Cadwell Park, Mountain - Luftschlacht in England Epic - British Superbike...

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Video von: Sarjit Bains | vom: 31.08.2021

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Details: Cadwell Park, Mountain - Luftschlacht in Engl...

Luftschlacht in England Porno, Epic - British Superbike, Cadwell Park, Mountain. Bestes Video vom Cadwell Park!


Cadwell Park in England is probably most famous for 'the Mountain', where bikes frequently get airbourne, and it's the striking mix of twists, cambers and gradients that have led to the circuit's burgeoning popularity over the years. A real mecca for bike fans. I cut this promo for British Eurosport on location using Avid Symphony 6. The hi motion cameras captured the main action at 1000 frames per second. I used my Sony FS700 for the additional slow motion shots. Enjoy!

(FS700 footage indicated by a red dot, bottom left of the screen)

The sony 18-200 kit lens was ideal for this project. From capturing the slow motion petrol on the wide angle to being able to grab a face in the crowd on the 200mm side.

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Rennstrecken Info

Rennstrecke Cadwell Park / England

Cadwell Park

Cadwell Park / England
Cadwell Park liegt eingebettet in sanfte Hügellandschaft und ist eine Rennstrecke die einzigartig in Europa sein dürfte: Kaum ein Meter Strecke der nicht Kurve, Steigung oder Gefälle ist, das schmale Asphaltband folgt der natürlichen Landschaft bergauf, bergab um Hügel und Täler.