Bottom of Barregarrow: Flug, Landung, Motorschaden = Ölspur

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Video von: Eric Zinter | vom: 15.06.2024

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Details: Bottom of Barregarrow: Flug, Landung, Motorsc...

TT2018, Barregarrow: Flug, Landung, Motorschaden = Ölspur

First lap of the 2018 Senior TT motorcycle road race, and Connor Cummings leads James Hillier down through the trickey left hand turn at Barregarrow.

James launches into the turn and bottoms hard, smashing his engine case and depositing a large amount of oil on the course. Moments later Michael Rutter and then David Johnson contact the oil and lose traction.

Due to quick action in a dangerous situation by the course marshals, the oil was treated under a yellow flag, no one was hurt, and racing continued.


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