Murtanio Kawasaki ZX-10R onboard Hockenheim - nach 7 Monaten auf neuem Bike!
After 7 months without riding a bike I made my first laps on my new Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R. This video is after riding 15 laps within 1 1/2 days. The bike rides great and I'm glad I bought it. You can see me struggling with the power, but I will get used to it :) The gearing is way to short for the Hockenheimring (a track I don't know well yet) and the steering damper needs a service. I will make a video talking about my overall impressions of the bike later :) My sound setup will be better next time :)
Enjoy my first ZX-10R onboard on my channel!
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Hockenheim GP Strecke
Hochmoderner Kurs, der allen Sicherheitsstandards genügt. Die Boxen sind mit Dusche, WC, Starkstrom und Datenanschlüssen ausgestattet und bieten ca. 13 Motorrädern ausreichend Platz.