Riding with Sheridan Morais in Oschersleben for some laps, who has competed in the WSBK, WSSP, EWC, Moto2 etc. over the years. First time riding a 1000 cc bike in Oschersleben and it is much harder to ride than a 600 cc there because it wants to wheelie a lot. I really enjoy riding the ZX-10R and this is the first trackday traction control is working on the bike. All onboards before were without tc (wc did work). Glad I improved my best lap of the R6 in 2018 (1:33.8) at least :D Sheridan showed me his line and I didn't expect him riding so round lines as you can hear in shutting the throttle sometimes.
Fastest lap 1:33.7
Enjoy the onboard, cheers!
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Oschersleben Motorsportarena
Oschersleben ist eine relativ leicht zu lernende Rennstrecke mit gutem Grip. Es gibt keine "blinden" Ecken und der Kurs ist topfeben.