After two great days in Oschersleben, I took the opportunity to testride the Honda CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP again. You can testride this bike for free at Racecamp-Events trackdays and you should definitely do so, the bike is fun and easy to ride!
You also get 10% discount with my code 'murtanio-333' at Racecamp-Events trackdays and can ride with me :D
I was exhausted after two days and competed a sprint race right before this testride, so just rolling around Oschersleben here :)
Enjoy the Onboard!
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Oschersleben Motorsportarena
Oschersleben ist eine relativ leicht zu lernende Rennstrecke mit gutem Grip. Es gibt keine "blinden" Ecken und der Kurs ist topfeben.