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Video von: Graham Knight | vom: 23.05.2007
Homepage: http://www.highsidetours.com/

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Details: HighSideTours

HighSideTours was started to offer a unique riding experience to all sports bike enthusiasts visiting Thailand. Whether you are flying in from Europe or dropping by from SE Asia or Australasia, we aim to offer you the opportunity to really improve your bike skills with as much track time as you can handle.

The company is owned and managed by long-time expatriate riders who offer unequalled experience of riding and track days in Thailand. Your booking and any enquiries will be dealt with by efficient and competent English- and German-speaking staff.

Due to the strict insurance rules and track congestion in other countries, a track day experience can seem fairly regimented and full of dos and donts. Because we really limit the number of participants, we can run a much less prescriptive programme. Go out when you are ready for as long as you want. If you want to wheelie the start finish straight, go right ahead! We allow for mistakes: one crash wont necessarily end your day. Providing you can continue, we will do our utmost to get you back on another bike.

We have the following bikes available:
Suzuki GSX-R 750
Suzuki GSX-R 600
Yamaha R6 YZF
Honda CBR 929RR

See you in Thailand...

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