Honda Hornet Streetfighter - bildschöner Umbau

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Video von: SFOC | vom: 31.10.2010

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Details: Honda Hornet Streetfighter - bildschöner Umba...

My streetfighter hornet, well here is the new video after a shed load of people asking for me to make a new video of the bike HERE IT IS:

the new 2007 R6 seat unit fully fitted
a lot has happened since the last video.

the bike was at the NEC in Nov 2009 (voted on of the top 12 bikes in the uk)
had a feature in issue 191 streetfighters Mag (front cover)
voted best bike at weston bike night (streetfighter/custom night)
calendar shoot for Carol Nash insurance

thanks for all the help every one and a massive thanks to SFOC

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