Fernweh: South Island Motorcycle Tour - superschöne Aufnahmen!

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Video von: James Harris | vom: 10.03.2009
Homepage: www.simplehost.co.nz

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Details: Fernweh: South Island Motorcycle Tour - super...

Fernweh: South Island Motorcycle Tour - superschöne Aufnahmen! Ein etwas anderes Reisevideo.

My south island adventure on a new bike. Brought the 2004 Ducati ST2 from Motueka, rode down the rugged west coast of New Zealand visiting many spectacular places including the renowned fiordland national park. As scene by bike, chopper, boat and kayak. Continued on around the southern scenic route through to invercargill and the bluff, then up the east coast and diverted into the center to see our tallest mountain, Mt Cook (Aoraki National Park). Most stunning views of my life were seen here and the Mckenzie district. This short film takes you through some of these wonderful places and will hopefully inspire many to pay a visit to the deep south.

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