Lyons Valley Road RD, San Diego RD

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Video von: ca_twisties | vom: 06.03.2007

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Details: Lyons Valley Road RD, San Diego RD

Jesse James (sorry not the real Jesse, its only a screen name on the SCS board) leads us along Lyons Valley Road on a beautiful sun filled saturday morning.

Lyons Valley is a treasure tucked away in Rancho San Diego, super tight and twisty it first goes uphill immediately leading you into a right-left-right chicane-straight- hard left uphiller.

This is ONLY the beginning. From here is goes round 15 mph decreasing rights, lefts,chicanes, uphill, downhill, over a long straightaway into some nice easy sweepers with 90 degree turns. Then comes the horseshoe turn.. a sharp downhill 15 mph switchback kneedragger turn with a right hand kink at the bottom, round the turn and we find the river.

The rest youll have to see for yourself. This is one, if not the best vid to come out of my collection so far.

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