Geiler engagierter Ritt! Ochsattel (Ox) CB500 vs Z1000SX

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Video von: Schaaf | vom: 05.09.2024

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The Ochssattel is proper CB500 territory. Almost no straight bits. And 83 corners in less than 7 minutes of riding! Mr. Z1000SX was not familiar with any of the twisties. He's been to OX before but the last time he's seen the road was quite a long time ago. So please ask him yourselves how he managed to ride such a clean style and line on an unfamiliar road. All I know is that it's quite the joy to chase him. His riding is quick and smart at the same time which I absolutely appreciate.
By the way, did you ever chase someone on your motorcycle? Because it's amazing to notice how it becomes almost impossible for me to ride a clean line when in chase mode. So I'd like to know if it's the same for you!

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Motorrad: 1994 Honda CB500 PC26
Reifen: Bridgestone BT45
Kamera: GoPro Hero4 Black Edition / 1080p/50 / SuperView / ProTune OFF
Audio: ZOOM H1 (see the tutorial video:
Editor: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 & After Effects CS6

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