Yamaha XJ6 Diversion - MCN Roadtest

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Video von: mcn-fan | vom: 20.01.2009
Homepage: www.motorcyclenews.com/

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Details: Yamaha XJ6 Diversion - MCN Roadtest

Yamaha XJ6 Diversion - MCN Roadtest

MCN has just returned from testing the new Yamaha XJ6 Diversion and naked XJ6 in Australia.

The two new models both feature the same de-tuned inline-four engine from the Yamaha R6.

The faired, XJ6 Diversion is smooth and easy-to-use - aimed more at commuters and novices alike.

The naked XJ6 is a completely different animal. With the fairing removed the XJ6 weighs 6kg less which makes it feel more manic and more agile.

To read the full test, pick up a copy of the Wednesday January 21 edition of MCN.

More: www.motorcyclenews.com/

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