Und das fährt wirklich! - Motorrad zieht römischen Kampfwagen *lol*

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Video von: custombiker | vom: 22.10.2014

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Der Originaltext:
A motorcycle pulling a chariot, roman style, It's great. I build three a year and the price range is around $100,000.00. It's worth every penny. You can have three or four people with you and carry a bunch. The best way I can describe riding on my chariot is as follows,, especially doing about 70 MPH, that's when you really get this feeling that comes over you, picture yourself standing on a flying carpet as everything goes floating by, it's awesome. That's the feeling, nothing like it. Plus you have one of the nicest motorcycles as your horse, so sweet. I use 124 S&S engines to pull me along,a real fine engine. My latest one I'm building now idles at 700 rpm after it's warmed up. It reminds me of a 51 pan head I had when I was 19 years old

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