Details: Gladiator Ben Hur - die Amis ham eindeutig ei...
... wobei das Teil am Bikertreff mit Sicherheit ein Hinkucker ist *lol*
This is the first test ever to be done with the chariot being pulled by a motorcycle. The is an amen chassie with a 124cc S&S engine built by the Magician So. Fla. So far there are seven known chariots and we have to get more going to put a show together. It;s a lot of fun just riding on one of these things. I had this one doing over 70 mph out in sturgis S.D. The best way to describe riding it, is, IT FEELS LIKE YOU ARE ON A MAGIC CARPET, You can get more from "motorcycle chariot, Buff bagwell is spokes person of the up ciming show. Show dates will be posted or leave me your e-mail address and I'll add you to the list.