Riding with Sheridan Morais on the Slovakiaring for some laps, who has competed in the WSBK, WSSP, EWC, Moto2 etc. over the years. I really enjoyed those laps following him and studying his line, which were a bit different than mine in some places. You can see the places where I lost time. First time riding the Slovakiaring with the Kawasaki and it is much more fun with a 1000 cc bike :D
Fastest lap 2:13
Follow Sheridan: https://www.instagram.com/sheridanmorais/
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Slovakiaring - Slowakei
Etwa fünfzig Kilometer südlich von Bratislava befindet sich der Slovakiaring eine 2009 erbaute großzügigie Rennstrecke. Die Strecke zählt mit 5800m zu den längsten in Europa